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Pilates  Teacher Male

 The Academy. 
Classical Pilates Teacher Training

Hi! Thank you so much for visiting my teacher training page.

Being a Pilates Teacher is a wonderful thing! Our journey of learning is never-ending as we explore movement within our bodies. I am here to support you on your journey, offering

- Teacher Training & CECs (CPDs)

- 1:1 Business Mentoring & Pilates Coaching

- Online courses and workshops

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Training Dates + Events

Online Fitness

Online Workshops + Courses

Fist Bump

1:1 Mentoring + Training

Start your journey


Maybe you are thinking of becoming a Pilates teacher or you are already a teacher and would like to train in Classical Pilates?

I am so excited for you, becoming a Classical Pilates teacher was the best decision I have ever made!

You are probably feeling a little over whelmed with all the Pilates education providers out there, the different styles of Pilates available today and what type of Pilates teacher you would like to be, we have all been there and I know how important this decision is as begin your journey as a teacher.

Let me share a little bit more about me.

I started my Teacher training through Peak Pilates Master Instructor programme and deliver Pilates certifications and courses in both Mat and Fully Comprehensive (Comprehensive means you are certified in Mat & Apparatus such as the Reformer, Tower, Chair, Barrels, and small equipment)


We use a variety of venues across the UK to conduct our courses, including Breathe in Pilates Cabin Studio in Peterborough.

Take a peek at my interview below!

I can't wait to welcome you!

An Interview with Lisa-Marie

What was you situation before becoming a Peak Pilates teacher?

Believe it or not, I worked in the engineering sector and the property industry simultaneously. I would do my day my job Monday to Friday 9-5 and then spend evenings and weekends with my husband helping to support his property business.

I was all work and no play which left me no time for my family and friends. I was drained and left wanting more of life

What made you decide to become a Pilates Teacher?

I found Pilates on a healing journey of my own body as I was living with an injury I had suffered in my early twenties.

I was so amazed at how Pilates transformed both my mind and body that I just had to learn how to teach it so I could share the Power of Pilates with everyone I could!

Did you have any reservations or worries?

Absolutely! I was worried about leaving an industry I had worked in for over 10years; it was my comfort zone; to leave a full time PAID job and go self employed, and enter into a new world of fitness was very daunting. I had no idea what to expect, how it would work out or whether I would earn any money!

Why did you choose Peak Pilates® for your certification?

For me, it was their focus on coaching and mentoring to unlock potential. The guidance was great and filled me with confidence.

It didn't matter that I had no fitness background; they taught me everything I needed to know and there was no pressure at all at what speed I proceeded through the levels of Pilates.

What do you love
about Pilates?⁠

How much time do you have? If I had to choose, it's the healing quality for both mind and body.  As mentioned before, I found Pilates when I was trying to heal my own body from a long term injury. With patience and perseverance, Pilates has given my back my body and my life. I no longer fear movement, I trust my body and I have never been so happy in my own skin. Joseph Pilates hit the nail right on the head with this quote "Change happens through movement, and movement heals"

How did becoming a Pilates Teacher change your life?

It  was the greatest decision I have ever made and I love my new life as a Pilates Teacher! I love that I get to help people find freedom in their body again. I see them get back to enjoying life which is so rewarding, and I get to meet such wonderful people. I have my own successful business – I am my own boss! I get to set the hours I want to work, so I can make time for family, friends and much-needed “me” time that we often forget about.

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